25 April 2011

Semana Santa Spanish Style - Granada

I was warned of the similarities, yet it still took conscious effort to not recoil in absolute terror and race back to the house and demand to be taken back to barcelona. So another thing that racism stole from religion. But instead of just a cryptic symbol of bent lines, this seems to be equally disturbing even in a religious setting. Without any contextual background, it's still not a crowd I'd want to party with or even want to be within the vicinity of. Maybe that's the point, I guess. Another religious matter that flies high above my level of understanding, color me humbled(that can't be the right word...).

Semana Santa 4/11

Semana Santa 4/11

Semana Santa 4/11

Semana Santa 4/11

Semana Santa 4/11

Semana Santa 4/11

Semana Santa 4/11

Semana Santa 4/11

Semana Santa 4/11

Semana Santa 4/11

Semana Santa 4/11

Semana Santa 4/11

1 comment:

Aaron said...

takes me back to that sunday in nacgdoches. you should really sing the hymns next time, wenjing.